Cattery LYUBER
16 Yrs and 8 Mths
3,638 people showing interest in this stud cat!
In breeding of cats began in 2000 with a focus on Himalayan cats in Moscow, MO. The cattery also includes Exotics and Persians in continuous and bicolor varieties. The cats in this cattery are fed super-premium cat food, receive regular veterinary care, and undergo annual vaccinations. They are raised without cages for a more natural environment. Currently, the breeder is working with color-point, lynx-point, tabby, tabby on white, and solid colored cats, with bloodlines including Oakheaven, Teahs, Brigantina, Inthewind, Jolee, Whisperwood, Purringwood, Sandilair, Hapajo, Somera, Kitsumi, Bolo, Patina, Vita Nova, Becton, Kikicat, and more. Visitors are encouraged to leave a message in the guest book. Contact information: Tel. 7-495-745-32-76, Mobile 8-905-752-24-04, ICQ number 450196276.